Advanced Chess Strategy

    advanced chess

  • Advanced Chess (sometimes called cyborg chess or centaur chess) is a relatively new form of chess, first introduced by grandmaster Garry Kasparov, with the objective of a human player and a computer chess program playing as a team against other such pairs.


  • scheme: an elaborate and systematic plan of action
  • the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war
  • (strategical) strategic: relating to or concerned with strategy; “strategic weapon”; “the islands are of strategic importance”; “strategic considerations”
  • A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim
  • A plan for such military operations and movements
  • The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle

advanced chess strategy

advanced chess strategy – Killer French

Killer French Defense, Part 1: Advanced and Tarrasch Variations Chess DVD
Killer French Defense, Part 1: Advanced and Tarrasch Variations Chess DVD
In this, Simon’s second DVD, he will guide you through Black’s part in the French Defense. Simon’s frank, clear and understandable delivery of material of which he has extensive knowledge certainly aids the viewer in increasing their understanding of these opening lines. Simon’s first DVD has been internationally acclaimed as setting new standards in this format for his clear approach to delivering sometimes complex material. Chapters are broken up through chess-related montages maintaining a viewing interest from start to finish. This feature is a standalone product running on all platforms and requiring no additional software. Running time: 4.5 hours


Knight assault.

“The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the
Universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature
and the player on the other side is hidden from us”

Thomas Huxley

Week 1 of 53

Week 1 of 53
As in chess, we need vision to see an ideal future in advance.
Everything else, as in chess, are moves to make it reality.

advanced chess strategy

The Advanced French (Chess is Fun)
The Advanced Variation of the French Defense is as old as the French Defense itself. After 3.e5, the lines are already set for the rest of the game. The advanced of the pawn to e5 locks in the pawn structure. White now has a relatively weak pawn at d4, which Black will usually aim to attack with …c5. White also grabs much central space, preventing Black from developing the Ng8 to f6, all facilitating a kingside attack.

When Black plays …c5, White will hold the center with c3 and attack on the kingside while Black, hobbled somewhat by a bad light-squared bishop and the inability to post the Ng8 to f6, will counter on the queenside with …c5 or occasionally in the center with …f6.

Black will often aim to trade off the bad, light-squared bishop on a6 or b5. White can hold to the bishop with Bd3-c2, although allowing the capture will often permit White to gain time for other purposes, mainly the kingside attack.

The variation was already popular when Aron Nimzovitch made a more principle study of it and gave life to the play on both sides. In the last century, the variation has had adherents in Grandmasters Sveshnikov and Sax.

This e-book introduces the lines and focuses on a plan for White with 6.a3. This small pawn move confronts Black with an immediate, awkward choice, lock in the central pawn structure with …c4 or else allow White to play b4 with play on both sides of the board.

Unlike many other inexpensive chess e-books, these are fully annotated in understandable, simple language. The profuse use of diagrams make these among the first chess books that you can read WITHOUT A BOARD at your side.

Jon Edwards won the 10th United States Correspondence Championship in 1997 and the 8th North American Invitational Correspondence Chess Championship in 1999.